Our services are uniquely personal because your goals and your finances are personal. We listen, paying close attention to what matters most to you. From there, we design a Plan of Action that is designed to get you where you want to go. This plan isn’t static – it changes just as you do, adapting to new successes and challenges, accomplishments and goals. As you move through life’s stages, our financial planners help you figure out where you want to go next, and define a strategy to get there.

We provide comprehensive financial planning services, aligning our varied offerings with the unique demands of your current stage of life. Your financial decisions can significantly impact your quality of life. We'll help you think through these decisions, and present unexpected options that you may have otherwise missed on your own. Our financial planners are here to guide you, helping you make the financial choices that are right for you.

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Our Services

Comprehensive Financial Planning 

Affiance Financial offers comprehensive financial planning services to help manage the entirety of your financial life. Our goal-oriented financial planning is robust, allowing you to make meaningful financial decisions that help you work toward your life ambitions. From cash flow and investments to taxes and risk management, we can help guide your decisions to help you make the most of your money. We create lasting relationships by putting our clients first. 


Investment Planning 

Our investment planning services are based on the philosophy that we are not bearish, we are not bullish, we are process. While we can’t control the ups and downs of markets, we can control how we respond to them. Having a set of disciplined investment processes keep us focused on what we can control. Our investment planning services are intended to provide tax-efficient, globally-diversified portfolios that suit your investment objective. 

Our Investment Planning Philosophy:
  • We Are: Asset Allocators
  • We Embrace: Active and Passive Fund Management
  • We Have: A Commitment to Research
  • We Help: Develop Investment Objectives
  • We Provide: Diversified, Tax-Efficient, and Low-Cost Portfolios



Retirement Income Planning

The move from career to retirement is arguably one of life’s biggest transitions. Partnering with a professional during this change can be invaluable. Affiance Financial can provide guidance for navigating the complicated world of social security, Medicare, pensions, IRAs, and 401(k)s. Saving money for retirement is universal, but figuring out what to do when you get there is another story. Our financial planners will help craft specific strategies that align your efforts with your personal objectives and maximize your hard-earned retirement savings.  

Tax Planning

Our financial planners take a proactive approach to reducing your lifetime tax liability, so that your financial goals aren’t interrupted by taxes. With proper long-term planning, we can help you minimize taxes, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned savings. Tax strategies our financial planning team employs include:

  • Asset location strategies
  • Income timing
  • Roth contributions and conversions
  • Gain-loss harvesting
  • Charitable giving strategies

We can help structure your financial situation in a way that seeks to maximize your resources, while taking steps to help protect you or your estate from tax liability. 

Education Planning

Our comprehensive financial planning services include helping you prepare for the ever-growing expense of secondary education. Our financial planners can help you navigate 529 plans, and other options for college savings. Whatever your education goals include, we’ll help you set up a savings plan that provides flexibility and tax incentives that suit your needs. From birth to acceptance and anywhere in between, we’ll look out for your student and your finances.

Risk Management

It’s not a matter of if life will throw you a curve ball, but when. Unplanned events are a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean that you need to be caught unprepared. Our financial planning professionals will evaluate your unique needs and recommend insurance policies that create an appropriate safety net for life’s unknowns. We coordinate life, disability, long-term care, and critical illness policies to design an insurance portfolio customized to your needs.

Estate and Legacy Planning

Our estate and legacy planning services aim to preserve your wealth from one generation to the next. Our financial planners work with you to communicate objectives, narrow down intentions, and prepare for legal documentation with an estate attorney. We offer both estate planning and legacy planning services, to help safeguard your current financials as well as your vision for future use. We place a significant emphasis on personalization, taking the time to understand your unique financial situation and to craft detailed plans that put your beneficiaries in a position to thrive. 

Corporate Retirement Plans

We offer broad-based and customized corporate retirement planning services for small businesses. We individualize our approach to retirement planning, providing your company with a wide range of retirement planning options, including 401(k), 403(b), and defined benefit plans. Our corporate retirement planning team offers experience and dedicated assistance. Our goal is to provide your employees access to retirement savings opportunities that work for them and for your business.

Take Control of Your Financial Future

Our experienced financial planners assist a wide range of clients with varying backgrounds, careers, locations, and levels of wealth. Everyone’s financial situation is different. We advocate for your unique future by helping you identify goals and craft actionable plans to help you reach them. Here at Affiance, we stay true to our core values: we care, we support, we deliver, we stay curious, we act as fiduciaries, and we value our reputation. 

We're here to help! Contact us today to get started on your financial plan.


Our Services


Please Note: The scope of any financial planning and consulting services to be provided depends upon the terms of the engagement and the needs of the client. Affiance Financial does not serve as an attorney or accountant. Affiance Financial does not prepare estate planning documents or tax returns.

Insurance product guarantees are subject to the claims‐paying ability of the issuing company.